Tag Archives: Question of the Day

Question of the Day

Q: How do I feel when people assume that I’m Christian because I home school?

A: That depends on the attitude of the person making the assumption.  Most of the time I’m pissed off, since the person making the assumption most often becomes upset with me when they learn that I might be Christian, but I’m not their flavor of Christian, either that, or they become upset that I don’t agree with their belief on ‘fill-in-the-blank’.

Many people here home school because they don’t want their children exposed to the Theory of Evolution, many because they don’t want their children exposed to what they see as negative culture (negative culture covers a huge amount of ground, that’s a discussion for another post).  A handful of people are homeschooling because their child is out of step with the curriculum, as Mr. Brilliant is.

The assumption here is, if you are homeschooling, you are a right wing nut job Christian.  That assumption isn’t fair.  I’m frustrated because either I’m lumped in with the nut jobs, and assumed to be homeschooling because I’ve got to protect my child from the evils of public school, or else the often lovely, usually not nut job, certainly Christian homeschooling parents are assuming I’m homeschooling because I’m Christian.  That is to say, their variation of Christian.

This brings up the question of how do I feel when people assume that I’m a radical-left-wing-crunchy-granola-unschooler because I home school.  Because I’m lumped into that box, too.