Tag Archives: Hurricane Lee


It’s not too difficult to keep a blog, but it becomes challenging to keep up with daily posts, especially when I am hoping to keep with a theme each day and have at least one day where-in I show my book-marks and such.   The number one priority of this blog is to documents Mr. Brilliant’s work, posting daily and making the blog entertaining will come along, sooner or later.

This weekend was kinda busted.  Screw that, this weekend was totally a bust.  Friday night hubby was feeling icky so date night was just a quick dinner out.  I’m not complaining, or at least, I didn’t until Saturday morning, when the less than fresh salmon returned to haunt me.  I slept nearly the entire day getting over the agony of the early morning hours.

Sunday Mr. A+ had an episode of rebound tachycardia, pulse was 170+ for over 10 minutes while he was lying down, he was grey, sweating and shaking.  That required a 911 call.  Our local First Responders popped over and we ran some EKG’s and generally socialized.  Due to my husband’s medical conditions we have the First Responders over about twice a month, so we’re all real friendly.  They’re a great group of men and women.

Monday saw Mr. A+ having been in A-Fib for over 24 hours, so we’re off to the ER.  Ironically, he converts moments after we walk into the hospital.  The poor man is being looked at askance by the ER nurses and he’s reduced to pulling out his tapes from the last 24 hours saying, “See, see, I was in A-Fib, really, I was.”  (No, the nurses did not give my husband a hard time, I’m just adding that for dramatic effect).

Today the remains of Tropical Storm Lee are over-head.  It’s 87F and about 98% humidity.  Gross.  Windy.  Driving the bridges to get off the island is a daunting task.